Category Archives: Others

Life is hard …

I was playing with my 9-month baby, Alvernia.

And when it is about time for her to eat her dinner, I suddenly remembered that I still have some presents that I got during Alvernia's 1 month celebration that I haven't used. It is a baby feeding set.

When I open it, I was surprise to see what I saw, so I decided to take a picture of it.
Here it is…




Take a look at the wording that says: "Life is hard… " and there is this small little chicken fell down (or is it jump down to suicide? ) hahaha

I was wondering what was the designer thinking when he created it? Thought normally it should be a happy and positive wordings and drawing like: "I love daddy and mommy", "Life is beautiful", "Be happy", etc.

I believe our subconscious mind is very powerful, whatever we see it often enough, it will come true. If you see the word "Life is hard" every single day, every single moment continuously, it will eventually come true.

That's why is it important for us to have a 'filter' in our brain to choose what kind of information that we want to see everyday and believe.

So what did I do with that baby-feeding set?.
I decided to change it :)


Cheers !

In my last post, I mentioned about how important it is to be grateful everyday.
Here is one of my favorite video about being thankful in whatever thing that happened in our lives.

It's hilarious, and yet meaningful :)
Whatever bad things that happened to you today or this week, I hope that this video will cheer you up !




For every little good thing in life, Cheers !

Answer for "Magic Eye"
For those of you who read my previous post: "Magic Eye – Very interesting" last week, you must be waiting to know whether your guesses are correct or not.
Well, as promised, here is the correct answer

Picture 1


Picture 2


Picture 3


Picture 4




Picture 5


Picture 6



For those of you who got it correctly, CONGRATULATIONS !
For those of you who still can't figure out, be patient ! Keep practice and soon you'll see it.



Touching Hearts Changing Lives,

Merry Riana

Magic Eye – Very interesting
While I was searching through my small library at home just now, I found my very old book, Title: Magic Eye. I Bought this book many years ago, it is actually a compilation of 3D illustration.
Many years back, when I was still in Primary 6, I remembered I was so amused with this new things called 3D illustration. From far it actually looks like a normal picture but if you see clearly there is a three dimensional image hidden within the two dimensional pattern.
At that time, it was the 'in' things, so almost in every shopping centre in Jakarta have a shop who sold painting and picture of it. And the price for every painting is very expensive, so I remembered sometimes I can just stay inside the shop for hours, looking at their collections and try to 'solve' the mystery by finding the hidden image.
Initially it took me a long time to figure it out, but after some practice it only took me a few seconds for me to see the hidden image (not bad, huh?). After a while, it became very addictive for me, once I managed to solved one picture, I keep wanted to solve more and more.
Well, I actually took a few picture of few pages from the book to show it to you guys.
Let's see whether you can see the 3D image hidden within the picture.

Picture 1


If you think I'm bluffing you, I'm not.
There is actually really a 3D image hidden inside.


If you can't see it, I will try to guide you.
In order for you to 'see' the picture, 2 things must happen:
1. You must get one eye to look at the point in the image, while the other eye looks at the same point in the next pattern.
2. You must hold your eyes in that position long enough for the marvelous structures in your brain to decode the 3D info.
You can follow this method:
Hold the image right up to your nose. (Ignore those people who might be tempted to make comments about you) It should be blurry. Let your eyes relax and focus as though you are looking through the image into the distance. Very slowly move the image away from your face, perhaps an inch every 2 or 3 seconds. Keep looking through the page. Stop and comfortable reading distance and keep staring. Soon you'll see the hidden image magically appear. Once you perceive the hidden image and depth, you can look around the entire 3D image. The longer you look, the clearer the illusion becomes. The farther away you hold the page, the deeper it becomes.
Here I upload a few more photo that I took from the book for you to practice. If you manage to see 'something' do drop me a message or leave a comment and tell me what did you see.
I'll give you the correct answer by end of this week. That means, you have 3 days to solve it
Good Luck!

Picture 2


Picture 3





Picture 4


Picture 5




Picture 6


Business Development Account

As I've shared before, I usually distribute my income into different accounts: Necessity Account, Business Development Account, Income Generator Account, Education Account, Fun Account, and Giving Account.

Similar to my Necessity Account, I also put around 30% of my income into my Business Development Account.
The money that I have in my Business Development Account is used to fund my existing businesses: to pay office rental, to pay staff salary, and to fund other business expenses.

The reason why most % of my income goes back into my businesses is because these existing businesses are the main income sources for me.
At this moment, I have profitable businesses in the Financial Services industry and Training & Consultancy industry.

When you spend money to make more money, it's not really called an 'expense'.
It's actually called an 'investment'.
So, my Business Development Account is actually my investment account, where I invest in my own businesses to make them even more profitable. :)

For those of you who are in the corporate world, you can have a Career Advancement Account instead of Business Development Account.

Merry Riana's Bank Account (Part 2)

Previously, I shared in my blog that I usually manage my personal finances by distributing my income into different accounts, immediately once I earn it.

The different accounts that I have are: Necessity Account, Business Development Account, Income Generator Account, Education Account, Fun Account, and Giving Account.

For those of you who are curious to know more about it, Here it is …

Today, I'll share with you about my Necessity Account.
I'll share about the rest of the accounts in my future blog entries.

I usually put around 30% of my income into my Necessity Account.
The money in my Necessity Account is for my monthly expenses.
It includes my condo expenses (i.e. installment, property tax, maintenance, utility bills, etc), my car expenses (i.e. maintenance, petrol, car insurance, road tax, cash card, car park coupons, etc), and my personal expenses (i.e. HP bills, insurance, income tax, groceries, F & B, movies, manicure-pedicure, haircare, spa, etc).

Each and every one of us has this Necessity Account.
The difference is that, there are some of us who control & manage this Necessity Account well, and there are some of us who spend 100% of our income for this.

How many % of your total income goes to pay for your Necessity Account? :)

If you don't have an answer for that, I encourage you to start tracking, because only when you are aware of your current financial situation then you can start doing something about it.


BREAKING NEWS: Jakarta bomb blasts hit JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton Hotel

I landed at Changi Airport, Singapore at 1 am this morning. Feel good to be home again. After I unpacked my stuff, took shower, prepared milk for my baby and put her to sleep I then have a good rest for myself.

I wake up this morning, and as usual, first thing that I always do every time I woke up is to turn on my TV to Channel News Asia. To my surprise, I heard a breaking news saying that Jakarta is bombed ! At first I thought I was dreaming or I must heard wrongly because it has been quite a while since there were bombs in Jakarta, but unfortunately what I heard is true.

The first suicide bomb happened in J.W Marriot Hotel at 7.48am local time.
I held my wedding banquet exactly at that hotel back in 2004. It was 1 year after the Marriott bombing incident in 2003. At that time I thought that was the safest hotel because even if there was bombing incident again, the person who did it definitely won't target the same place for the 2nd time.

Now they prove me wrong. Never in my imagination that the same incident can happen again at the same location, 6 year later. This time, not only they attacked J.W Marriott, but they also attacked nearby hotel, Ritz Carlton. Only heartless and insane people dare to do this non-human things.

Here actually the video taken from the CCTV (Surveillance Camera) at the hotel, just before the bombing happened.
There was one guy wearing full black jacket and hat (cannot really see his face) with a big suitcase went to the restaurant, and few seconds after that the restaurant exploded.


If you watch the video closely, you should feel that there was oddness in the video.
The big question is: Why the CCTV is following that guy ever since he walked from the hotel corridor to the hotel lobby to the restaurant? Did they already suspect the guy?

I also have no answer for that.

My deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families of this tragic incident.
I really hope that this thing will never happen again.

Do you want to see my bank account ?

After I posted ‘My Best Investment’ article, I received numbers of email asking me whether I can share with them how do I manage my personal finances.

Today I’m going to share with you tips on how you can manage your finances successfully.

Here’s how:
First of all, It is very important for you to know where all your money goes to.
Most people usually never keep track of their income and expenses.
I created a few accounts (these accounts may or may not be real savings accounts in the bank) where my income goes to.
For me, I have: Necessity Account, Business Development Account, Financial Freedom Account, Education Account, Fun Account & Giving Account.

Every time I earn my income, it goes to these accounts with the following proportion:

- Necessity Account (30%)
- Business Development Account (30%)
- Income Generator Account (20%)
- Education Account (5%)
- Fun Account (5%)
- Giving Account (10%)

I’ll share with you in more details about each of these accounts in my future blog entries. :)

Merry Riana

Farewell Michael Jackson

Today, the world had just lost it's greatest entertainer, Michael Jackson.

I wasn't really a huge fan of Michael Jackson (MJ), but I don't deny that I really like and enjoy his songs. I spent my teenager life listening to his great songs, such as Billy Jean, Thriller, You are not alone, Heal the world, and many more…

I remember choreographed a dance using "Black or White" song together with my friends and performed it during my primary school graduation day … hahaha.. I really can't believe I did that! It was 1992. I was 12 yrs old , and it was our last day of school. :) (wish I had some photos performing that dance)

I also still remember how I was always looking forward to see MJ's music video clip. If I heard that they were playing it on TV, I would run all the way from my room to the living room, cos I wouldn't want to miss it. My favorite one: ALL of them !! (How can I choose when everything is so amazingly good ??) Compared with MJ's video, others are really nothing.

Well.. I guess eventhough I am not his #1 fan, I still feel sad that he is gone.
It is very rare to find such a unique, talented and legendary artist like him.

May he rest in peace.