Tag Archives: Singapore

Christmas at IKEA

Two more weeks before Chirstmas, have you start decorating your home?

When it comes to decorating for Christmas, there are a lot of people and families who put a lot of time and focus into decorating, especially their Christmas tree.  If you are looking for inspiration to decorate your home this year, perhaps, one of the easiest ways  is by visiting IKEA.

Just last week, I went to Ikea Tampines with my daughter and my husband.

Really love their Chirstmas decorations and collections.

There are a lots of nice Christmas-Related products that you can purchase and they are very affordable, especially since IKEA is having their Christmas 24 Days Advent Deals :)

Check out  www.singapore-ikea.com to know what is the special deal today.

One Day at Jurong Bird Park

Last Friday I had a last minute extra free hours in the afternoon. So what did I do with that?
Me and my hubby gave our daughter a little surprise by bringing her to her favorite place in Singapore: Jurong Bird Park :)


Here's a golden moments of ours


Bird 1


Bird 2


Bird 3


bird 5


Bird 6


Bird 7


Bird 8


Then we went to see Penguins…


penguin 1


Nice?? hahaha.. actually that's just the photo..


The real one is this…


 bird 9


FInally, Last photoshoot for the day


Bird 10



For the past 12 years staying in Singapore, I have never been to Jurong Bird Park. But just within 1 month, I've already gone there twice! Thanks to my daughter :) hahhaa..


Too bad we can't stay there for too long, because after that I have to run for another meeting :) But indeed it was an unforgettable moment. Will definitely go there again :)