Tag Archives: Merry Riana

Merry Riana’s Best Moments in 2011

I remember writing this at the first page of my 2011 note book:

Indeed, 2011 was really a great year.

I always mentioned that success is a journey, it’s not a destination.
To me, success is the ongoing process of striving to become better, to achieve more. It is the opportunity to continually grow emotionally, socially, spiritually, physiologically, intellectually, and financially while contributing positively to others.

When I looked back at 2011, I am happy to see that I was able to grow not only in my business, but also in various areas of my life. I was still be able to have holidays and spend a lot of quality time with my family, get to know many other successful people and learn from them, nurture my daughter and enjoy my role as a mother, contribute positively to people’s lives, especially in Indonesia, and the best part is, I was able to do all these while I was pregnant. Yup, in 2011, God gave me another miracle, a baby boy (I just gave birth, 2 weeks ago) Wow! indeed 2011 was really a great year.

Here are some of my best moments in 2011:
(in random order)

1. Appeared in many National TV Shows in Indonesia, especially to be invited as guest at the Kick Andy Show – the ‘Oprah-like’ talkshow in Indonesia.


2. Extensive Media Coverage at various Newspapers and Magazines in Indonesia


3. Chosen as one of the Ambassadors for Canon Singapore.



4. Worked hard and Played hard with my MRO Team Singapore

5. Created positive impact in the lives of others, through my talks and seminars.
Especially in 2011, because not only I was able to do it in Singapore …

 … But I also started to contribute back massively and created an impact for my country, Indonesia

6. Got to know and learned from many successful individuals from the media industry.  

7. Spent Quality times and Holidays with my loved ones.

8. Nurtured and spent time with my daughter, Alvernia
, watched her 1st concert, her Christmas performance, accompanied her on her school trips, and many others, including planned for and organized her 3rd birthday on 11.11.11

9. The birth of my very own Biography book “
Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dolar (written by Alberthiene Endah, famous author who also wrote a biography for Indonesian’s First Lady) which is now a National Best Seller and already sold more than 30,000 copies in just 3 months. Had an awesome Book Launch and also produced the Book Trailer.

10. The birth of my new born son, Alvian Mark Liu.

I thank God for so many blessings and so many amazing experiences that I had in 2011. And I thank all of you for walking this journey together with me.  I hope what I’ve done in 2011 has brought me closer towards achieving my 30th birthday resolution, i.e. to create a positive impact in the live of 1 million people. Thank you for all the support and friendship throughout the year and over the past years. My loyal friends and followers from my Blog, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

2011 was a great year, but I’m very sure that the best is yet to come.
I’m totally excited about 2012 :) How about you?

Mimpi Sejuta Dolar – Book Trailer

Apa Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Anda ?

“Titik awal sebuah keberhasilan adalah sebuah impian.”

Saya mencapai penghasilan satu juta dolar ketika saya berusia 26 tahun. Tapi anehnya, saya merasa lebih bersemangat waktu saya masih serba berkekurangan dibandingkan dengan waktu saya sudah menjadi seorang miliarder.

Apa sebabnya?

Ternyata, memiliki sebuah impian adalah sama pentingnya atau bahkan mungkin lebih penting daripada mencapai impian itu sendiri.

Setiap orang perlu memiliki sebuah impian di dalam hidupnya.
Sebuah impian yang bisa dibanggakan dan menjadi tujuan hidupnya.

Sayangnya, banyak orang yang menjalani hidup ini seolah-olah tanpa tujuan. Mereka suka bermimpi, tapi mereka tidak mempunyai sebuah impian yang pasti.

Orang yang memiliki sebuah impian adalah orang yang terus berkembang dalam hidupnya. Dan orang yang merealisasikan impian tersebut menjadi kenyataan adalah orang yang benar-benar menikmati hidup ini sepenuhnya.

Milikilah sebuah impian.

Impian Anda bisa saja sederhana, seperti misalnya impian untuk makan dengan sehat setiap harinya. Impian Anda bisa juga tampak tidak mungkin, seperti memulai sebuah bisnis yang suatu hari akan menjadi nomor satu di dunia.

Apapun juga impian Anda, langkah pertamanya adalah memiliki impian tersebut.

Umur 20, saya masih serba berkekurangan tapi saya sangat bersemangat untuk mencapai impian saya. Umur 26, saya mencapai impian tersebut tapi saya kehilangan semangat karena sudah tidak memiliki impian lagi.

Sekarang, impian saya adalah untuk menciptakan dampak positif di dalam kehidupan banyak orang.

Itulah Mimpi Sejuta Dolar saya. 
Apa Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Anda? :)

(Psssttt… Pengen tau apa sih Mimpi Sejuta Dolarnya Raditya Dika? klik foto di atas untuk nonton videonya)