Tag Archives: christmas

My Newborn Son, Alvian

There is nothing more precious than the miracle of life.
And that miracle happened to me in this Christmas Season.

It happened so fast. I was still accompanying my daughter watching the Musical Performance at United Square, then past midnite I had to go to hospital to get ready to give birth :)

Initially I was a bit nervous, because when I delivered my 1st baby, it was really a long and painful process. It took me 24 hours, from the first sign of labor until I really delivered. I almost had to go for caesarean because the opening was very very slow, but luckily eventually I managed to do a normal delivery.

A lot of people told me, 2nd delivery should be easier, and Thank God it really was.
Though it was still painful (cannot be avoided), but the whole process only took me less than 12 hours, much faster compared to my 1st one.

Words cannot express my gratitude and happiness when I first held him so tightly in my arms.

Thank you for all of you who have sent your warm wishes. I received hundreds of messages from Twitter, Facebook, SMS, BBM, Cards, and many others. Thank you again for all your support and prayer :)

Lastly, A little prayer for my Little Prince, Alvian.

God, I prayed for this child, and You have granted me what I asked.
I thank You for the miracle of this new life.
I pray Your blessing on our precious baby.
I pray for his health, protection and safety.
May our baby grow to be strong and healthy in mind, soul and spirit.
Pour Your love and affection into us,
and help us to provide that same care and nurture in our child’s life.
We commit this child to You, God.
Please bless our baby

Christmas at IKEA

Two more weeks before Chirstmas, have you start decorating your home?

When it comes to decorating for Christmas, there are a lot of people and families who put a lot of time and focus into decorating, especially their Christmas tree.  If you are looking for inspiration to decorate your home this year, perhaps, one of the easiest ways  is by visiting IKEA.

Just last week, I went to Ikea Tampines with my daughter and my husband.

Really love their Chirstmas decorations and collections.

There are a lots of nice Christmas-Related products that you can purchase and they are very affordable, especially since IKEA is having their Christmas 24 Days Advent Deals :)

Check out  www.singapore-ikea.com to know what is the special deal today.