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Lowongan Kerja: IT Officer

Saya sangat bersyukur karena jumlah followers akun Twitter saya, @MerryRiana , sudah mencapai lebih dari 1 juta followers.

Semoga ini bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk mencapai resolusi saya, yaitu untuk menciptakan dampak positif di dalam kehidupan 1 juta orang, terutama di negara kita tercinta, Indonesia.

Selain Twitter, saya dan tim MRI (Merry Riana Indonesia) juga berencana untuk menggunakan channel-channel lainnya, seperti blog, facebook, youtube, dsb, untuk menyebarkan lebih banyak lagi inspirasi dan motivasi ke semua FRIENDS of Merry Riana.

Untuk membantu kami dalam mewujudkan resolusi tersebut, saat ini PT Merry Riana Indonesia sedang mencari seseorang yang bisa bekerja Full Time sebagai IT Officer.
Kantor kami berlokasi di Jakarta-Barat.

1)    Usia di bawah 30 tahun
2)    Pendidikan Min. S1
3)    Jurusan: IT / Pengalaman Kerja di bidang IT

Bila Anda berminat dan memenuhi kriteria di atas, yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah untuk meng-email CV Anda ke:

Dalam CV, sertakan:
-     Detail Pribadi (Nama, Email, HP, Pin BB, dsb)
-     Foto Terbaru
-     Special Skill (Web/Graphic Design, Writing, Video/Photography, Presentation, Public Speaking, Leadership, Event-Organizing, Fund Raising, dsb)
-     Pengalaman Organisasi & Magang
-     Penghargaan (akademik / non-akademik)
-     Pengalaman Kerja (nama perusahaan, posisi / jabatan, lama bekerja)

Email CV Anda ke , dengan subject ‘IT Officer’ sebelum tanggal 12 Juni 2013.

Kalau ada teman Anda yang mungkin berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja ini, silakan memberitahukan tentang hal ini padanya.

Terima kasih! :)
Saya akan tunggu CV Anda.


Selamat Ulang Tahun, Indonesia-ku

Saya selalu bersyukur bahwa selama ini saya sudah diundang ke beberapa stasiun TV untuk bisa bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup saya dan membagikan inspirasi ke banyak orang. Namun ketika beberapa waktu yang lalu RCTI mengundang saya untuk menjadi narasumber di acara spesial, 17 Agustus 2012, ada kebanggaan tersendiri di hati saya. Saya bangga dan senang, karena tepat di hari kemerdekaan negara kita tercinta itu lah saya bisa bukan hanya saja merayakan, tapi juga bisa berbagi semangat dan inspirasi kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Apalagi acara ini akan disiarkan secara langsung oleh RCTI, tepat setelah upacara detik-detik proklamasi kemerdekaan di Istana Negara Jakarta.

Hari itu, 17 Agustus, tepat jam 7 pagi, saya sudah siap berangkat dari rumah meluncur ke gedung MNC di Kebon Sirih. Perjalanan sangat lancar, tidak ada kemacetan sedikitpun (alangkah bahagianya kalau Jakarta bisa seperti ini terus)

Sampai di gedung MNC, saya langsung menuju ruang make up. Dari situ, barulah saya beserta  kru dari tim Seputar Indonesia, RCTI (termasuk Mba Isyana dan Mas Gustav  yg akan menjadi host-nya) berangkat bersama menuju ke rumah kediaman Bung Hatta

Sungguh saya tidak pernah menyangka bahwa suatu hari saya akan bisa merayakan hari proklamasi kemerdekaan 17 Augustus langsung dari kediaman salah seorang dwitunggal, bapak proklamator kita, Bung Hatta. Benar-benar suatu kehormatan bagi saya.

Sementara kru sedang mempersiapkan acara LIVE nanti, saya ikut ‘memantau’ upacara detik-detik proklamasi dari layar TV kecil yang tersedia di sana. Melihat suasana di Istana negara, jadi teringat ketika SMP dulu pun saya sempat pernah ikut aubade, menyanyikan lagu-lagu nasional di hadapan bapak presiden. Walaupun dibutuhkan persiapan berbulan-bulan dan latihannya pun sangat melelahkan, tapi semua perasaan itupun sirna dan berubah menjadi suatu kebanggaan, bisa menjadi bagian yang menyukseskan acara peringatan 17 Agustus.

Oh iya, hampir lupa, di dalam kesempatan ini, saya akan hadir bersama Budawayan Senior, Mas Arswendo Atmowiloto.

Setelah selesai liputan upacara di istana, kami langsung LIVE dari kediaman Bung Hatta. Tema hari itu adalah “Indonesiaku, Indonesiamu.”  Dan di segment pertama langsung membahas tentang ‘Yang muda, Yang korupsi’. Ternyata banyak pihak yang sangat khawatir akan masa depan Indonesia, karena generasi muda yang diharapkan menjadi penerus bangsa, tapi kok justru malah terlibat dalam kasus-kasus korupsi besar yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi sorotan masyarakat. Mas Arswendo kemudian membahas dan memberikan pandangannya terhadap hal tersebut.

(Thank you untuk teman-teman yang sudah nonton acaranya, dan bahkan nongkrong di depan TV utk foto-in dan dikirim ke saya :) Thank you bangeeeet yah :) )

Ketika ditanya, bagaimana perasaan saya, sebagai generasi muda Indonesia menanggapi hal itu, saya langsung menjawab: “Memang ini adalah suatu hal yang sangat disayangkan, tetapi saya yakin bahwa ini hanyalah segelintir kecil dari banyaknya generasi muda Indonesia yang positif, berkarya untuk Indonesia dan bisa dijadikan teladan bagi orang banyak. Ada satu kalimat yang sangat menginspirasi saya, Pahlawan bangsa kita, Bung Karno mengatakan “Seribu orang berjiwa tua hanya dapat bermimpi, tapi satu orang berjiwa muda, dapat mengubah dunia”. Dan saya yakin, pada kesempatan ini, ada ribuan, bahkan jutaan penduduk Indonesia yang berjiwa muda. Saya yakin kita PASTI BISA membangun Indonesia, dan berkarya untuk Indonesia.”

Segment berikutnya kemudian membahas beberapa contoh generasi muda Indonesia yang bisa sukses  walaupun dengan beberapa keterbatasan. Menjelang akhir acara, Mba Isyana pun bertanya kepada saya “Kalau begitu, kiat-kiat sukses menurut Merry Riana tuh seperti apa sih? Supaya generasi muda Indonesia pun bisa sukses tanpa harus korupsi?”

Buat FRIENDS yg waktu itu ngga sempet nonton acaranya, jangan khawatir, saya akan jawab pertanyaan dari Mba Isyana itu di blog ini :) Berikut adalah jawaban saya:

“Saya sangat bersyukur karena saya bisa mendapatkan pendapatan satu juta dolar pertama saya di usia 26 tahun, tapi saya lebih bangga lagi karena saya bisa membuktikan bahwa: walaupun kita berada di jalan yang lurus, kita pun bisa meraih kesuksesan dan mimpi-mimpi kita. Untuk mewujudkan itu semua, kita harus jadi generasi muda yang KUAT. Ada 3 hal yang harus dikuatkan:

1. Kuatkan Pikiran: Berani bermimpi besar. Milikilah cita-cita dan harapan yang tinggi, karena titik awal keberhasilan adalah impian.

2. Kuatkan Hati: Jangan mudah menyerah, Jangan cengeng. Perkuat mental. Rintangan itu pasti ada, Cobaan itu banyak. Tapi ingat, di mana ada kemauan, di situ pasti ada jalan.

3. Kuatkan Iman: Apapun juga kepercayaan Anda, sertakanlah Tuhan di dalam pekerjaan Anda, hidup Anda, mimpi-mimpi Anda.

Hidup memerlukan perjuangan, perjuangan memerlukan pengorbanan, pengorbanan memerlukan ketabahan, ketabahan memerlukan keyakinan. Maka dari itu Yakinlah! Yakin bahwa kita PASTI BISA !! Kita PASTI BISA membangun Indonesia, Kita PASTI BISA berkarya untuk Indonesia!”

Selamat Ulang Tahun Indonesia-ku


Baby’s IKEA

Having a baby is the most wonderful experience a woman can have.
I thank God that I’m blessed with two beautiful and healthy children.

Time flies. Can’t believe my little one, Alvian, is now 5 months old :)

I still remember those days when my husband and I were so busy preparing for the arrival of our first baby.


Lucky for us, we no longer need to do that for our 2nd baby, Alvian. We already have all the necessary things that we need to have from our time with our first baby, Alvernia.

Almost all of the baby products that we bought were from Ikea. Their design is simple and classy, and most importantly IKEA always produce high-quality products. And after almost 4 years of usage, it is still in perfect condition.


If you are preparing for your little ones, here’s some information that can be useful for you.



All those informations are available at IKEA’s website.

Wait no more, go and visit now


Merry Riana’s Best Moments in 2011

I remember writing this at the first page of my 2011 note book:

Indeed, 2011 was really a great year.

I always mentioned that success is a journey, it’s not a destination.
To me, success is the ongoing process of striving to become better, to achieve more. It is the opportunity to continually grow emotionally, socially, spiritually, physiologically, intellectually, and financially while contributing positively to others.

When I looked back at 2011, I am happy to see that I was able to grow not only in my business, but also in various areas of my life. I was still be able to have holidays and spend a lot of quality time with my family, get to know many other successful people and learn from them, nurture my daughter and enjoy my role as a mother, contribute positively to people’s lives, especially in Indonesia, and the best part is, I was able to do all these while I was pregnant. Yup, in 2011, God gave me another miracle, a baby boy (I just gave birth, 2 weeks ago) Wow! indeed 2011 was really a great year.

Here are some of my best moments in 2011:
(in random order)

1. Appeared in many National TV Shows in Indonesia, especially to be invited as guest at the Kick Andy Show – the ‘Oprah-like’ talkshow in Indonesia.


2. Extensive Media Coverage at various Newspapers and Magazines in Indonesia


3. Chosen as one of the Ambassadors for Canon Singapore.



4. Worked hard and Played hard with my MRO Team Singapore

5. Created positive impact in the lives of others, through my talks and seminars.
Especially in 2011, because not only I was able to do it in Singapore …

 … But I also started to contribute back massively and created an impact for my country, Indonesia

6. Got to know and learned from many successful individuals from the media industry.  

7. Spent Quality times and Holidays with my loved ones.

8. Nurtured and spent time with my daughter, Alvernia
, watched her 1st concert, her Christmas performance, accompanied her on her school trips, and many others, including planned for and organized her 3rd birthday on 11.11.11

9. The birth of my very own Biography book “
Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dolar (written by Alberthiene Endah, famous author who also wrote a biography for Indonesian’s First Lady) which is now a National Best Seller and already sold more than 30,000 copies in just 3 months. Had an awesome Book Launch and also produced the Book Trailer.

10. The birth of my new born son, Alvian Mark Liu.

I thank God for so many blessings and so many amazing experiences that I had in 2011. And I thank all of you for walking this journey together with me.  I hope what I’ve done in 2011 has brought me closer towards achieving my 30th birthday resolution, i.e. to create a positive impact in the live of 1 million people. Thank you for all the support and friendship throughout the year and over the past years. My loyal friends and followers from my Blog, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

2011 was a great year, but I’m very sure that the best is yet to come.
I’m totally excited about 2012 :) How about you?

My Newborn Son, Alvian

There is nothing more precious than the miracle of life.
And that miracle happened to me in this Christmas Season.

It happened so fast. I was still accompanying my daughter watching the Musical Performance at United Square, then past midnite I had to go to hospital to get ready to give birth :)

Initially I was a bit nervous, because when I delivered my 1st baby, it was really a long and painful process. It took me 24 hours, from the first sign of labor until I really delivered. I almost had to go for caesarean because the opening was very very slow, but luckily eventually I managed to do a normal delivery.

A lot of people told me, 2nd delivery should be easier, and Thank God it really was.
Though it was still painful (cannot be avoided), but the whole process only took me less than 12 hours, much faster compared to my 1st one.

Words cannot express my gratitude and happiness when I first held him so tightly in my arms.

Thank you for all of you who have sent your warm wishes. I received hundreds of messages from Twitter, Facebook, SMS, BBM, Cards, and many others. Thank you again for all your support and prayer :)

Lastly, A little prayer for my Little Prince, Alvian.

God, I prayed for this child, and You have granted me what I asked.
I thank You for the miracle of this new life.
I pray Your blessing on our precious baby.
I pray for his health, protection and safety.
May our baby grow to be strong and healthy in mind, soul and spirit.
Pour Your love and affection into us,
and help us to provide that same care and nurture in our child’s life.
We commit this child to You, God.
Please bless our baby

Helping Others

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people
get what they want.

This idea may seem unusual especially since many people are only concerned with themselves. The truth is, if you reach out to help others attain their goals, they will be more willing to help you reach yours. There’s an old saying, “What goes around comes around.” You may be surprised how true this is.

Are you willing to help others, even if it won’t benefit you?


Hi guys, this page is still undergoing a facelift in order to serve YOU better. In the mean time you can visit for my official website, and to read my blog.

Thank you for your patience :)

Merry Riana’s Best Moments in 2010

I can’t believe 365 days have passed. Today is already 1st January 2011.

2010 was definitely a great year for me. I still remember on 1st January 2010 I wrote in my blog that 2010 will be a breakthrough year for me. True enough, indeed 2010 was a remarkable year for me. Here are some reasons why

1. Being involved in many Women-related activities

Women 2010


2. Launched my very first Women-Only Programme – ‘Women Extraordinaire’  and ‘I am Woman’ workshop

WE 2010

IAW 2010


3. Created positive impact for many people on various topics that I shared on my public seminars

Public seminar 1

Public seminar 2

Parent with vision congress


4. Contributed back to society by sharing my thoughts and experiences at various Policy Forums in Singapore and also through my non-profit intiative, Project: Pay It Forward, for many schools and universities.  

Singapore Goverment Forum

5. Being blessed with tons of  M edia Coverage. I was featured every single month in various newspapers and magazines. Amazing!

publicity 1

publicity 2

publicity 3

Publicity 4

 publicity 5

Publicity 6

publicity 7

 publicity 8


6. Not to forget, being invited to talk LIVE on-air in various  R adio Shows :)

Radio Show 2010

7. Received numerous awards too, My Paper Executive Look Readers’ Choice Award 2010, LG Life’s Good Ambassador, and Great Women of Our Time Award 2010.

Awards 2010

8.  Being a firm believer in continuous learning, I set aside time to learn new skill, which is definitely important. I was very fortunate that my friends: Fabian Lim, Simon Leung & Jo Han Mok invited me and my husband to sit in their courses. In total, I invested 9 full days of my life learning the real secret of Internet Marketing from the Internet Guru. Great Stuff !!  

Internet Marketing 2010


I also took an Image Certification Course. I’m now officially a Certified Image Consultant.

I teach color analysis, body analysis, face analysis, make up, and many others in my ‘I Am Woman’ public workshop.

 Image Consultant 1

9. Had fun with my Dream Team in MRO, Merry Riana Organization. :)

MRO 2010


10. Enjoyed a long holiday with my family, my in-laws and of course, my dearest husband.

australia 2010

Bali 2010

Spain 2010


11. And last but not least, I’m proud that I was able to nurture my daughter, spent & enjoyed much time with her, and watched her grow with my own eyes, every single day.

Vern 2010

There are many other great moments in 2010. It is definitely impossible for me to list all one by one. (You can refer to my previous blog post if you want) 

Oups… I almost forget one more great moment in my 2010. Someone actually painted a picture of me on Canvas. And that someone is my talented friend, Ocean Wang :)

Watch this video to see her beautiful painting 

I thank God for many amazing experiences that I had in 2010. And I thank YOU for walking this journey together with me. My loyal friends and followers from my Blog, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

2011 will be a MIRACLE YEAR !  I believe there will be even more breakthroughs, more opportunities, more friends and much more Life’s Good Moments to experience & enjoy. 

I’m fully prepared for all that. :)

At this moment, I’ve already in the midst of some interesting and exciting projects. Can’t wait to finish and officially launch them to all of you :)

Once again,

HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friends !

May 2011 be a year full of joy and blessings for you and your family :)

Pink/Black Christmas High Tea

Last week I was invited by the Beautiful Celebrity Coach/Publicist, Christina Liang to come to her Christmas High Tea Party. 

The theme was Pink/Black Christmas.

It was an afternoon full of beautiful Ladies. I was sitted next to two Miss Singapore Universe, Jade Seah and Annabel Tan :) hahahah..

Anyway, It was a nice surprise to meet my friend, Annabel. We just chatted over sms not long ago, little did I know I bumped into her again at the Christmas Party. Law of attraction ! :)

Here’s some good moments captured

Chirstmas Hi-Tea Party at Lawrys 1

 Christmas High Tea 2

Chirstmas Hi-Tea Party at Lawrys 3

Forrest Adventure – Merry Riana