Category Archives: Inspirational

Apa Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Anda ?

“Titik awal sebuah keberhasilan adalah sebuah impian.”

Saya mencapai penghasilan satu juta dolar ketika saya berusia 26 tahun. Tapi anehnya, saya merasa lebih bersemangat waktu saya masih serba berkekurangan dibandingkan dengan waktu saya sudah menjadi seorang miliarder.

Apa sebabnya?

Ternyata, memiliki sebuah impian adalah sama pentingnya atau bahkan mungkin lebih penting daripada mencapai impian itu sendiri.

Setiap orang perlu memiliki sebuah impian di dalam hidupnya.
Sebuah impian yang bisa dibanggakan dan menjadi tujuan hidupnya.

Sayangnya, banyak orang yang menjalani hidup ini seolah-olah tanpa tujuan. Mereka suka bermimpi, tapi mereka tidak mempunyai sebuah impian yang pasti.

Orang yang memiliki sebuah impian adalah orang yang terus berkembang dalam hidupnya. Dan orang yang merealisasikan impian tersebut menjadi kenyataan adalah orang yang benar-benar menikmati hidup ini sepenuhnya.

Milikilah sebuah impian.

Impian Anda bisa saja sederhana, seperti misalnya impian untuk makan dengan sehat setiap harinya. Impian Anda bisa juga tampak tidak mungkin, seperti memulai sebuah bisnis yang suatu hari akan menjadi nomor satu di dunia.

Apapun juga impian Anda, langkah pertamanya adalah memiliki impian tersebut.

Umur 20, saya masih serba berkekurangan tapi saya sangat bersemangat untuk mencapai impian saya. Umur 26, saya mencapai impian tersebut tapi saya kehilangan semangat karena sudah tidak memiliki impian lagi.

Sekarang, impian saya adalah untuk menciptakan dampak positif di dalam kehidupan banyak orang.

Itulah Mimpi Sejuta Dolar saya. 
Apa Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Anda? :)

(Psssttt… Pengen tau apa sih Mimpi Sejuta Dolarnya Raditya Dika? klik foto di atas untuk nonton videonya)

Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Book Launch

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  Albert Einstein

God gave me so many miracles in my life. Anugerah terbersar yang sangat saya syukuri tahun ini adalah lahirnya dua hal yang sangat berarti di hidup saya. Yang pertama adalah kelahiran dari buku Biografi pertama saya: Mimpi Sejuta Dolar, yang ditulis oleh Alberthiene Endah dan menceritakan tentang kisah nyata perjuangan hidup saya. Dan yang kedua adalah akan lahirnya anak kedua saya, di bulan Desember 2011 (can’t wait to see him and hold him in my arms) :)

Karena kelahiran anak saya yang kedua baru akan terjadi sekitar 2 minggu lagi, jadi hari ini yang akan saya ceritakan adalah tentang book launch dari buku ‘Mimpi Sejuta Dolar’  :)

Yup, baru bulan (Oktober) lalu saya ke Jakarta untuk mengadakan press conference dan book launch dari Buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar.  I would say that the event went very well and it was really Awesome!  Sangat disayangkan bahwa Mba AE tidak hadir.

Launching Buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar bertempat di Kinokuniya, Plaza Senayan. Undangan pun sangat terbatas, karena tempat yang tersedia hanya memungkinkan untuk kapasitas sekitar 80 kursi. Tetapi berkat semangat dan antusiasme dari teman-teman dan follower dari twitter yang luar biasa, akhirnya tempat pun dibanjiri oleh lebih dari 300 orang.

Hari itu saya sudah siap-siap dari pagi, dan sampai di Kinokuniya jauh lebih awal, sekitar jam 11.30, untuk memastikan bahwa semua props dan sound system berjalan dengan lancar. Tapi siapa yang nyangka kalau ternyata jam 11.30 saja sudah banyak orang yang hadir (padahal acara baru mulai jam 2 siang). Wow! sungguh luar biasa!! :) apalagi banyak sekali yang bela-belain datang dari luar Jakarta. Ada yang dari Lampung, Bogor, Jogjakarta, Banyuwangi, Tasikmalaya, bahkan ada juga yang terbang dari Surabaya dan Balik Papan. Waaah.. terharu deh

Saya pun meluangkan waktu untuk bisa berbincang-bincang dan berkenalan dengan mereka, dan teman-teman yang datang lebih awalpun akhirnya bisa punya kesempatan untuk tanda tangan dan foto barengan sebelum acara mulai (hehehe.. rewards untuk effort yang sudah mereka tempuh)

Oh iya.. thank you juga utk Oni dan Herfita :) Mereka ngga cuma udah dateng jauh-jauh dari luar Jakarta, tapi spesial bawa bingkisan utk saya. (so sweet)

Jam 13.00 tempat sudah benar-benar penuh, dan tamu pun masih banyak berdatangan. Untung semuanya berjalan dengan teratur, sehingga walaupun harus berdiri dan berdesak-desakan, tetapi masih dalam suasana yang nyaman dan tertib.

Acara dimulai pukul 14.00 oleh MC, Mas Mayong. Dilanjutkan dengan kata sambutan oleh Pak Tommy dari Gramedia, dan juga penyerahan buku ‘Mimpi Sejuta Dolar’ dari pihak penerbit ke penulis (Mba AE diwakili oleh Mbak Greti dari GPU) dan kemudian dari penulis ke saya sebagai tokoh biografi.

Setelah  acara ceremony kelar, sekarang adalah waktu yang sudah saya tunggu-tunggu, akhirnya, saya pun bisa menyapa dan berinteraksi langsung dengan semua tamu yang sudah hadir di situ. Seneeeeng banget karena mereka semua sangat antusias dan sangat berenergi. Saya pun yang saat itu sedang hamil 7,5 bulan jadi tambah semangat lagi untuk bercerita dan membagikan kiat-kiat sukses kepada mereka semua. Ngga kerasa bahwa akhirnya sesi yang awalnya hanya saya plan sebagai sesi sharing, akhirnya berubah menjadi sesi ‘motivasi mini’  :) 

Suasana pun jadi semakin seru dan hangat, apalagi ditambah dengan kehadiran teman saya yang menjadi special guest pada hari itu. Siapa lagi kalau bukan Raditya Dika (thank you yah Radit, udah dateng and support book launch Mimpi Sejuta Dolar)

Waktu berjalan sangat cepat, ngga kerasa sudah mau jam 4 sore, terpaksa sesi talkshow dan tanya jawab pun harus segera berakhir, karena setelah itu masih ada sesi lucky draw dan juga book signing.

Congratulations untuk para pemenang lucky draw, terutama untuk yang menang grand prize, tiket pulang pergi Jakarta-Singapore

Last but not least, thank you kepada semua pihak yang sudah berkerja keras dan membantu kesuksesan Book Launch Mimpi Sejuta Dolar, terutama staff dari MRO dan juga staff Gramedia yang penuh dedikasi.

And thank you for all of YOU who came down. You’ve really made my day. This will be the day that I’ll never forget. Berikut adalah liputan video Book Launch Mimpi Sejuta Dolar

Oh yah.. hampir lupa, ada kejutan khusus juga untuk teman-teman yang datang ke book launch ‘Mimpi Sejuta Dolar’  Mereka adalah orang-orang pertama yang melihat book trailer ‘Mimpi Sejuta Dolar’ karena memang baru saya luncurkan pada hari itu.

Penasaran pengen tahu trailernya seperti apa? Sabar yah.. entar akan saya upload di youtube :)
Sering-sering aja liat tweet saya @MerryRiana karena infonya akan saya kabarin di situ :)

Mimpi Sejuta Dolar

Saya sangat bersyukur karena saya bisa mendapatkan pendapatan 1 juta dolar pertama saya di usia 26 tahun. Tapi saat ini saya lebih bersyukur lagi karena saya bisa menceritakan kisah perjalanan hidup saya tersebut melalui buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar yang ditulis oleh Alberthiene Endah (Mba AE)



Buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar merupakan hasrat yang telah lama ingin saya wujudkan untuk menyampaikan pesan spirit kepada semua orang yang menginginkan kehidupan lebih baik. Berbeda dengan buku saya yang pertama: A Gift From A Friend, di dalam buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar saya bercerita dengan lebih detail kisah perjuangan saya dari seorang remaja yang terpaksa harus mengungsi ke Singapura karena kerusuhan 98, mahasiswi  yang pas-pasan, sampai akhirnya saya bisa mewujudkan impian saya dan mendapat pendapatan satu juta dolar pertama saya di usia 26 tahun.

Pembuatan buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar sebenarnya tidak memakan waktu yang lama.
Bermula dari awal tahun 2011. Di bulan Maret tahun ini (2011), saya sangat beruntung dan bersyukur karena bisa diundang menjadi bintang tamu di acara Kick Andy Show yang bertemakan ‘Sukses Di Usia Muda’

Kebetulan pada saat itu Mba AE nonton dan tertarik dengan kisah perjuangan hidup saya. Pada saat itu, saya pun kebetulan sedang membaca salah satu buku biografi karya Mba AE, dan saya sangat suka dengan gaya penulisannya yang indah dan mengalir. Apalagi sudah banyak tokoh sukses yang kisah hidupnya ditulis oleh Mba AE, seperti: Krisdayanti, Chrisye, Titiek Puspa,  Hj. Ani Bambang Yudhoyono dan masih banyak lagi. Dari situ lah akhirnya kerja sama saya dan Mba AE pun dimulai dan akhirnya beberapa bulan kemudian terwujudlah buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar.

Saya sangat bersyukur sekali, karena dalam waktu kurang dari 2 bulan, buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar sudah terjual lebih dari 10,000 eksemplar, dan menjadi #1 National Best Seller di seluruh Indonesia.

Terima kasih untuk semuanya yang sudah membaca buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar dan juga memberikan komentar-komentar positif.

Apalagi komentar-komentar yang saya dapat dari teman-teman di Twitter

Melihat dari komentar-komentar positif tersebut, Saya merumuskan bahwa ada 3 hal yang unik dan  menarik yang hanya bisa didapat dari buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar

1. Kisah Nyata
Kisah yang ditulis di buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar adalah kisah nyata yang saya ceritakan, berdasarkan fakta – fakta kehidupan saya yang 100% akurat. Bahkan untuk penulisan buku ini, saya pun mengundang Mba AE dan suaminya (Mas Dio) datang ke Singapura untuk menapak tilas perjalan hidup saya. Selama seminggu di Singapura, saya tunjukan semua tempat-tempat bersejarah dan juga kenangan-kenangan yang pernah saya alami. Kita berkunjung ke asrama saya ketika saya kuliah di NTU (Nanyang Technological University), tempat saya pernah bekerja sebagai pelayan restaurant, halte bus tempat saya membagikan brosur, kantor pertama saya ketika saya memulai bisnis, dan banyak tempat-tempat menarik lainnya. Semua ini saya lakukan karena saya ingin Mba AE benar-benar bisa merasakan apa yang saya rasakan, sehingga ketika Mba AE menulis buku biografi tersebut, semua perasaan dan pikiran saya pun bisa tertuang dengan sedetail-detailnya. Berikut adalah beberapa foto hasil jepretan kamera saya dan juga Mas Dio ketika di Singapura (Foto-foto lengkapnya akan tersedia di buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Deluxe Edition, nantikan yah )



2. Formula Sukses.
Selain kisah nyata, di dalam buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar ini pun saya merumuskan dengan jelas strategi-strategi dan kunci keberhasilan yang saya lakukan yang akhirnya bisa membawa saya ke kehidupan yang lebih baik. Semua ini bukan hanya dari jargon-jargon motivasi atau teori sukses yang hanya berupa sederet teori, tetapi juga contoh nyata dari peristiwa yang betul-betul saya hadapi. Dan Mba AE pun menuangkan semuanya ke dalam tulisan yang tersirat dengan jelas, Formula-Formula sukses yang bisa diaplikasikan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan banyak orang, siapapun juga, apapun pekerjaannya, tua, muda, pria maupun wanita.

Jadi anda tidak hanya bisa menikmati dan mengikuti perjuangan hidup saya, tetapi juga  bisa mendapatkan strategi-strategi yang konkrit dan jelas  bagaimana saya bisa mengubah nasib dan mewujudkan impian saya.

3. Cerita Seru
Bagi yang sudah baca buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar, pasti tahu apa yang saya maksud dengan cerita seru. Lewat buku ini, saya menceritakan banyak hal yang saya alami dan lalui. Layaknya seorang manusia biasa, pastinya ada yang lucu, sedih, romantis, dan juga bahagia. Saya juga bercerita tentang emosi yang saya rasakan saat menemui kegagalan, kejatuhan, dan kekhawatiran. Semua ini ditulis oleh Mba AE dengan gaya penulisan novel yang membuat anda terus membaca.

Langkah saya, setapak demi setapak tertuang dalam buku ini dan memberikan gambaran nyata kepada anda betapa perjuangan memang membutuhkan kesabaran, keuletan, ketekunan dan kesiapan menghadapi perubahan-perubahan. Tidak hanya memuat strateginya dalam mengubah nasib, Melalui kisah yang menyentuh dan inspiratif ini, saya berharap, anda bisa melihat dengan jelas bagaimana jalan sukses saya – sama dengan kebanyakan orang — juga diwarnai oleh banyak kesulitan. Jalan yang saya lewati bukan jalan sempurna, melainkan terjal dan menuntut kekuatan mental untuk menempuhnya. Jatuh bangun mentalnya pun bisa menjadi pembelajaran bahwa kapan pun kita bisa merasa putus asa, kehilangan kepercayaan diri, dan menyerah. Namun komitmen yang teguh, iman, dan energi positif yang terus dibangun bisa mengalahkan itu.

Semoga lewat buku Mimpi Sejuta Dolar, saya bisa menularkan semangat kepada anda untuk berani bermimpi besar. Karena titik awal sebuah keberhasilan adalah sebuah Impian.

Canon Think Big – Merry Riana (Part 1: The Idea)

I’m so blessed to be chosen as one of the Ambassador for Canon Singapore.

MRO Consultancy - Merry Riana (Part 1: The Idea)

Their new campaign “Think Big Think Canon” is something that I personally believe in.

We have to be Dare to Dream Big !
We have to be Dare to Think Big !!

That’s the message that I always mention in all my talks, my tweets and even my book.

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either. You have to convince yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. If you can create that strong, unwavering belief, you’re more than half the way toward achieving any goal you set.

Are you convinced that you can do anything you want to do?

Watch part 1 of The Canon Think Big Interview, and find out how the Dream that I had on my 20th birthday changed my life forever.

(btw .. I was 4 mths pregnant when we did the videoshoot, can you notice the pregnant belly bump ? hehehe :) )

Do you Want to Do It ?

Anyone can do something when they WANT to do it.
Really successful people do things when they don’t want to do it.

It’s amazing to see how many people are eager to succeed in life, but they’re often unwilling to do what is necessary in order to actually become a success. Yes, there are going to be things in your journey that you don’t want to do. Take a deep breath, accept what you have to do, and then do it to the best of your ability.

Have you put off tasks you don’t want to do, but you know it’s important?
What will my perseverance prove to myself and others?

First Step to Your Success

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

When we’re just starting out on our own, taking the first step may be frightening. We have to remember, however, that we don’t have to see the whole future spreading out in front of us. We have to take the first step toward our goals whether we can see the next step or not. If we can’t take the first step, we’ll get nowhere standing still.

I encourage you to set goals and know where you want to go, take the first step in faith, and keep walking until you reach your goal.

Life Is Just Like Farming – you will always reap what you sow

Often a helping hand or a simple warm smile, can brighten someone’s day.
Sometimes a random act of kindness can change a person life.

That’s right!  You don’t need a lot of money to change the world.
Just a big heart.

I came across this wonderful story about giving.

As you Live your life Beautifully, remember to Share Beautifully too with people around you
because Life is just like farming – you always reap what you sow :)

Life is just like farming

A little girl came to live with her grandfather after the death of her parents. The elderly man farmed the land as he had from his youth and was known far and wide for the most delicious crops. He walked and talked kindness to all, including his granddaughter. He loved telling her about farming.

“Now this plant is one that needs lots of water under that hot old sun,” he would tell her as he pointed to a certain crop. Or he might tell her, “This plant is a weed that we must watch out for and pluck up as soon as possible, or it will take seed and take over the garden,” Of course his favorite saying was, “Life is just like farming — you always reap what you sow.”

The girl listened intently as her grandfather spoke about farming. His deep, robust voice always turned gentle as he talked about the earth and the rain and the growing season.

“The land is just as alive as the plants and flowers,” he would tell her. “It needs food and water, too, or nothing will grow from it.”

As they huddled by the fire on cold December days, he would encourage her with the words, “Winter may seem to last forever, but just remember that spring is a ‘coming and the land will soon awaken.”

One day the grandfather died, and the local authorities put her in an orphanage in the middle of a city a hundred miles away from her beloved farmland.

At first she was afraid of all the noise and smells of the city and of the rough, calloused children at the orphanage. She cried herself to sleep for a week before she remembered her grandfather’s words about weeds and how they need plucking as soon as possible or they will take over a garden. She realized her self-pity was taking over like weeds.

Suddenly it dawned on her that all of the knowledge and sayings her grandfather taught her could apply to the orphanage. The next day she awoke to find new ways to use her grandfather’s wisdom. She looked around and saw a very shy child who the other children often made fun of.

Now this plant is one that needs lots of water under that hot old sun, the girl heard her grandfather’s voice in her mind. She went over to the child and started to make a new friend.

As she looked closer at everyone in the orphanage, she saw how many needed love and attention, despite their gruff or rough exteriors. She remembered her grandfather saying, The land is just as alive as the plants and flowers. It needs food and water, too, or nothing will grow from it.

She was soon reading favorite stories to the children, soothing frightened youngsters during lightning storms, helping newcomers adjust, acting as referee for the boys’ rough-housing games, and comforting anyone with a bruised shin, broken nose, or heavy heart.

Sometimes it was her heart that grew heavy, but she comforted herself with these words, Winter may seem to last forever, but just remember that spring is a ‘coming and the land will soon awaken.

With the patience she learned from her grandfather and farming, she kept up her efforts for many months. Eventually she noticed a stirring of souls within the orphanage, not unlike the first signs of spring. The older kids slowly started to take care of the younger ones, adult caretakers became a little softer and gentler as the kids changed, and everyone began to feel a kinship they had never known before at the orphanage.

Several years later, when it came time to leave the orphanage, the little girl had grown into a vibrant and energizing young woman. Because of her, the orphanage had been transformed over the years into a welcoming family. Both children and adults wept to see her go, but her leadership and ability to work with people had landed her a job with a huge charity that worked mainly in agricultural areas. She was going back home again. As she walked out the doors of the orphanage and saw just how much the place had changed, she heard her grandfather’s words again, Life is just like farming — you reap what you sow.

40 Ways to Stay Positive and Motivated Everyday

40 Ways to stay Motivated and Positive Everyday

In most of my seminars and talk, often people come and ask me “How can you be positive and motivated all the time? Where do you get all this energy from?”

Well, every single day, we all have a choice on what kind of feeling that we want to have.

I choose to be positive and happy.

Though it’s not easy, it’s important to stay positive in all situations, including the negative ones. Research show that people who were pessimistic had a nearly 20 percent higher risk of dying over a 30-year period than those who were optimistic.
So, it’s worthwhile—and possible—to learn how to think more positively. 

You can train your mind to think positively and learn to accomplish all that you dream. If you utilize positive thinking throughout each day it will become a very close part of your life.

Here are 40 ways on how to do it. You can choose one or more that work for you:

1. When you wake up in the morning think 10 wonderful thoughts about yourself.
2. SMILE and open your eyes wide for a few minutes
3. Play uplifting music, skip the sad love songs
4. Read an uplifting book
5. Choose a song that cheers you, and sing it until you feel better
6. Listen to a positive audio CD
7. Set time aside for yourself everyday
8. Make a list of all of your accomplishments and read them at least once a week
9. If something doesn’t go according to your way, learn from it
10. Do a breathing exercise

11. Exercise daily
12. Eat right, at least 3 meals a day
13. Tell yourself positive thoughts
14. Call a friend
15. Think of 10 positive words that describe you
16. Stay away from negative people
17. Keep an attitude of Gratitude
18. Do a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward
19. Watch something that makes you laugh out loud.
20. Meditate and practice positive visualisation

21. Smell your favorite aromatheraphy oil
22. Praise yourself and others
23. Laugh, Laugh and Laugh
24. Get enough sleep
25. Go shopping, go to the spa to calm your mind
26. Read inspiring quotes to help stay positive
27. Take time to enjoy neature
28. Take pictures. Create a scrapbooks
29. Spend time with your loved one
30. Get fresh air !

31. Take a herbal tea break
32. Do your favorite hobby
33. Play musical instrument
34. Pat your pet or play with her
35. Tidy, clean and organize your environment everyday
36. Write down what you’re grateful for everyday
37. Imagine you just won the lottery, and think about how you are gonna spend your millions
38. Surround yourself with positive people. Find people who will challenge you, believe in you and inspire you to improve
39. Pray

And last but not least …

40. Follow me on twitter @merryriana :)

Merry Riana Twitter

Make Your Dream Come True

(You can click on the picture above to bring you to the Watson’s FanPage and read my post from there, or alternatively, you can read from my post below)

It has been a super busy week for me.

The past 7 days, I have 4 different talk in Singapore and in Jakarta,

In all my talks and seminars, there’s always one message  that I never fail to mention.

“Dare To Dream Big !” That’s the message that  I always preach every time I get a chance to conduct a talk for aspiring entrepreneurs, students, and also the public. And that is something that I truly believe.

Today, I’m going to share with you a simple steps on how you make your dream a reality

I believe everyone of us has dreams. Some are much larger and more complex than others, but they all have value. The dreams that you have are there for a reason: to be realized as a part to fulfil your life purpose.

Many people give up on their dreams. Have patience! Although your dream may not have come to pass yet, it can still be realized.

Eventhough you can’t force dreams to happen, you can take steps toward actualizing it. Perhaps you want to travel to your favorite destination. Do you know anything about the culture and language there? Are you saving money each week or month toward your trip? You won’t magically arrive there. You must plan and work toward what you want.

The same is true if you want to have a family, write a book, help others, start your own business, or anything else that interests you.

In addition to physically working toward your dreams, mental preparation is important. That means you need to keep visualizing and dreaming.
Hold on to what you believe in and what you want to see happen in your life.

Use the power of positive thinking in order to see your dream becoming a reality
Here’s a few things that you can do:
• Make a vision board where you can pin or glue everything that you want to see
• Write down your dreams to keep them fresh in your mind.
• Keep a journal of what you’ve done toward realizing your dreams each day or each
• Remember to enjoy and respect the present moment.
• Talk with others who share your goals and dreams to stay encouraged and excited.

Many successful people focus on positive affirmations and meditation to help them see and realize their dreams. By meditating on what you really want and how you’re going to get it, you may come up with solutions that you would otherwise not have thought about. Meditation gives your mind some quiet, peaceful time to work behind the scenes.

Positive affirmations also help keep your spirits up and keep you moving toward your goal, even when you don’t really see a way. Just because the way to your dream doesn’t seem obvious to you just now, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.

Something could change in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, you’ll be able to see how and when your dream will be realized. If you hold tight to your goals, you’ll find it easier to stay on the right track.

Training yourself to observe progress can be important, too. This will help keep you motivated.

Regardless of what your dreams are – however big or small they may be – you can usher them in to your life.

Believe in your Dreams! Believe in Yourself!

Live Beautifully, Share Beautifully with Merry Riana

It is my honor to be the one of the Ambassador for the ‘Live Beautifully’ Campaign by Watson.

(You can click on the picture above to bring you to the Watson’s FanPage and read my post from there, or alternatively, you can read from my post below)

For the past 6 weeks, you all has been inspired by the other top bloggers, on how you can Create beautifully, Feel Beautifully, and also Look Beautifully.

The next 2 weeks, I’m going to share with you how you can share beutifully as well.

But as a start, let me introduce about myself first.
My name is Merry Riana, I’m an Entrepreneur, Author and Speaker.

I consider myself a very blessed person to be where I am right now.
Actually, I have a very humble beginning in life. I didn’t come from a very wealthy family and I was really struggling financially when I first arrived in Singapore.
I still remember vividly even until today, how I survived with just $10 a week.
I’ve been so blessed and fortunate that I’ve managed to overcome many difficulties in my life and achieve success at the young age

I’m currently living the life that I could never imagine to be possible.

To me, true success in life is not measured by how much you make,
but by how much of a difference you make in the life of others.

And that’s why when I celebrated my 30th birthday last year, I’ve made a resolution
For the next 10 year of my life (before I celebrate my 40th birthday), I want to create a positive impact to the lives of at least 1 million people, especially in Asia.

As much as I’ve been inspired by many successful people out there, I too want to be an inspiration for others. As much as I’ve been blessed, I too, do my best to be a blessing for others.

It is my greatest joy to know that my life experiences during my personal success journey has made an impact in the life of others.
And I hope within this 2 weeks, I can share with you more about my philosophy of life so that not only you can live beautifully, but also share beautifully.