
Welcome to the new www.MerryRiana.com

New Year, New Beginning, New Hope, and … New Website for me !! :)

This website is created specially so that I can interact even more with all of you. The home page is my blog, so you can straight away read the latest update from me. There is also a Featured Video, featuring my Life’s Good Moment every week. Make sure you come back regularly, because I’m going to upload NEW video every single week.

My twitter and facebook is also linked to this website so you can instantly see ‘LIVE’ updates from me too.  Also, I’ve purposely installed a google translate (on the top left corner of this page). So,  feel free to change it to the language that you are more comfortable with, and the whole page will be translated instantly :) Cool, rite ! :)

I’m very happy with this website so far, and there’s even more other exciting features going to be added soon. Can’t wait ! :)

How about my previous website? Well, I’ve migrated my previous website to www.MerryRiana.org. It is served as my corporate website. So if you want to know more about the roles that I have in my life, my milestones, my enterprise, and  everything about me, you definitely must pay a visit. There’s even a puzzle for you to play :)

Last but not least, once you’ve finished reading this post, you can continue by reading my ‘All Time Favorite’ post (located on the left sidebar). It was my blogpost which has the highest no of views, exported from my previous blog. And remember to watch my videos too!

Happy browsing :)

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About Merry Riana

Merry Riana is a Millionaire Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author and Motivational Speaker.In just a short period of 4 years after her graduation, Merry has earned more than S$1,000,000 through her business. This achievement is featured as an article titled ‘She’s made her first million at just age 26’, in The Straits Times on 26th January 2007. In October 2010, Merry was conferred the Great Women of Our Time Award. As an icon in the regional, financial, and educational communities Merry has broken down barriers to become one of the most admired and watched individuals in the media today. visit www.MerryRiana.org to read more about Merry Riana
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5 Responses to Welcome to the new www.MerryRiana.com

  1. Bambang Widodo says:

    nice to join in


    Sebagai seorang Inspirator apa yang ku lakukan jika menghadapi masalah yang kini ku hadapi :
    1. Di berhentikan dari pekerjaan
    2. tidak punya modal untuk usaha baru
    3. istri masih kuliah….!!

  3. Wisnu Aditya says:

    Yth. Mbak Merry Riana
    nama saya Wisnu Aditya, Saya adalah pengelola sebuah station radio swasta di kabupaten Trenggalek, kabupaten terpencil di sisi selatan jawa timur. Dengan mayoritas masyarakatnya dengan status ekonomi sosial menengah ke bawah. Kami berharap dengan motivasi Mbak Merry yang tentunya akan bisa menginspirasi masyarakat di kabupaten trenggalek agar bisa berfikir maju dan tergerak untuk menata hidup yang lebih baik. Bagaimanacaranya saya bisa memperoleh audio motivasi Mbak Merry? dan apabila audio motivasinya kami On Airkan di radio, bentuk kerjasama/prosedurnya seperti apa?
    terima kasih sebelumnya. dan salam sukses!!!

    Hormat saya,
    Wisnu Aditya

  4. Putri Amilosa says:

    Buku anda adalah buku motivasi pertama yang saya baca seumur hidup saya, karena selama ini saya menganggap motivasi saya hanya da dalam diri saya sendiri dan orang tua saya. namun setelah saya membaca buku anda, saya tau visi dan cita-cita saya saat ini sama seperti anda, love dan itu pada kedua orang tua saya. Saya sangat ingin menjalin hubungan dengan BU Ria lebih dekat sebagai mentor atau saya mau untuk di bimbing lewat MRO anda di Jakrta atau di Singapura. Terima kasih Bu Ria, saya sangat mengharapkan balasan dari anda. Saya penggemar Anda!!!!!

  5. riyantinabilla says:

    Mb.Merry Riana yang terhormat
    Salam hangat dari saya.
    Pertama kali mengenal buku anda”Mimpi sejuta Dollar”
    Sewaktu membaca salah satu newspepar di singapore.
    Saya pekerja Domestic Helper dari Indonesia.
    Saya suka menulis dan membaca buku,begitu melihat
    buku anda saya sangat terinspiratif sekali.
    Semoga saya bisa bertemu anda di Singapore ini.Terima kasih.

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