
The Head, Heart, and Hands

Every first week of the month, I normally conduct a monthly motivation meeting for my organization (MRO). Today I shared with them about the concept of Head, Heart and Hands.

I believe in order for us to achieve personal success, being it is in our work, relationship, education, etc these are the three keys areas that contribute to our success:


1. Our Focus, which means where our head is (Head)

2. Our Motivation, or what we have the heart for (Heart)

3. Our Capability, which refers to our skills and abilities and what we can handle (Hand)


When we have all three of these areas working together, we experience personal success.


For example, if you want to experience success as a salesperson, you will need to understand the product that you are selling, the price, the market comparison. Those things are all to do with the Head - knowledge, understanding and focus. Likewise you will need skills and techniques such as communication skills, handling objection, closing skills, etc. Those are the Hands aspect of your recipe for success. Last but not least, you also will need some attitude, motivation, desire and drive. And that is what I called the Heart aspect.


It is only when all three things operate together that we experience personal success and have peak experience inside while delivering peak performance on the outside.


In our daily lives, sometimes we probably too busy with our work and routine that we might not even realized if one of those three elements is missing.


If you have the Hands and the Heart without the Head, then you may act, but you are likely to just run around in all directions, doing unrelated things and accomplishing little of significance, simply because you have no focus.


If you have the Hands and the Head without the Heart, you could act, but probably you won't because although you have the focus and the capabilities, you lack the motivation.


If you have the Head and the Heart without the Hands, you would act, but you're unable to, because you do not have the necessary skills, abilities or resources.


Again it is only when you have Head, Heart and Hands all acting together that you will act effectively.


So, do you have all those right now to bring you to your success?

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About Merry Riana

Merry Riana is a Millionaire Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author and Motivational Speaker.In just a short period of 4 years after her graduation, Merry has earned more than S$1,000,000 through her business. This achievement is featured as an article titled ‘She’s made her first million at just age 26’, in The Straits Times on 26th January 2007. In October 2010, Merry was conferred the Great Women of Our Time Award. As an icon in the regional, financial, and educational communities Merry has broken down barriers to become one of the most admired and watched individuals in the media today. visit www.MerryRiana.org to read more about Merry Riana
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One Response to The Head, Heart, and Hands

  1. Isaac Sadikin says:

    Dear Merry,
    Another curiosity come out from my mind again out from your interesting blog!

    You mentioned that “Again it is only when you have Head, Heart and Hands all acting together that you will act effectively. So, do you have all those right now to bring you to your success?”

    I know you are one of many peoples who maybe using this three key areas to achieve your “success” which you are having now.

    I give the ” ” on the word success because I would like to know what is the success definition for you. I read somewhere in your blog as well about your definition of success, maybe I could add somethings to your definitions if you don’t mind for me to share with you what I have in mind about “success” for me?

    Come back to your sentence, how many people that you know or if you have done the research on this who use these three key areas and they are now “success”?

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