
My Life Purpose

First of all, I just want to wish HAPPY EASTER to those of you who celebrate.


Today, I thought of just writing a little message about what I felt today, in this special Easter day.
Early this morning, I received message from one of my facebook friends. He wrote this quote to me

"The joyful news that He is risen does not change the contemporary world. Still before us lie work, discipline, sacrifice. But the fact of Easter gives us the spiritual power to do the work, accept the discipline, and make the sacrifice."


Which I think is very true. At least in my personal capacity, there is always spiritual power that motivates me and gives me a reason to keep doing what I’m doing despite the many obstacles and challenges that I’m facing.


When I went to Easter Service today, my pastor shared this very interesting story
This story is about an athlete named Eric Liddell, a great missionary and Olympic champion. A lot of people admire this man because he was an incredible athlete, and because of the way he held so strongly to what he believed to be right.


eric liddell

“When I run, I feel God’s presence,” are the words of the young athlete called Eric Liddell.
Eric was born in China to missionary parents on January 16, 1942. In his early childhood years, the Liddell family moved from China to Scotland, and then later to London, England. Eric’s outstanding skills for running began when he was still in his teens. At sixteen, his time of 10.2 seconds broke his school record for the 100-yard race. Although running was his favorite of all sports, he also enjoyed being the captain of his school’s rugby and cricket teams. Even though he always beat everyone else in sports, the praise never went to his head. This young man always remained humble, and never became overly proud. He knew that his accomplishments were the result of a lot of hard work. When he was twenty-two, he tried out for the Olympics and made it onto the British team.


One of the reasons why Eric Liddell is an extraordinary hero is because he refused to run on a Sunday. When he heard that the first Olympic 100 meter race was to be held on this day, he boldly said, “I’m not running.” He believed that this day was special, and he never had run on a Sunday before. So instead of being on the track that Sunday with all of the other racers, Eric was at church. His country called him a traitor, and it seemed like the world had turned its back on him, but Eric held onto his beliefs; even to the point when the Prince of Wales begged him to change his mind! Eric’s resolution not to run was so strong that he turned down the Prince’s pleadings, as well as his country’s.

Although it seemed that Eric had let Britain down, he showed what he could do in the next competition. In the 400 meter race, Eric beat the runner-up by an amazing fifteen meters! He won the Olympic gold and the world record for the race. Later, although he was now a famous celebrity, Eric decided to return to his family who had moved back to China. There he became a missionary to the Chinese people.


This man was a hero because he was not afraid to stand up for what he believed was right. Eric also showed perseverance in always trying to do his best till the very end. I think that these are some of the characteristics that make a person a true hero.


The message that I want to share with all of you today is this: I know many times I keep emphasizing that for anyone to succeed, they need to find a strong WHY. They need to have a strong reason on why they want to achieve what they want to achieve. And I believe I find out the strongest reason when I know my life purpose. The moment I knew what is the main reason I’m being put here on earth, I never lost my motivation ever again.


“The purpose of my life is to be significant as God’s living miracle, enjoying every moment and pieces of my miraculous life with my loved ones and testifying my blessed life story to the world as a gift of love for myself and others.”

     – Merry Riana –


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About Merry Riana

Merry Riana is a Millionaire Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author and Motivational Speaker.In just a short period of 4 years after her graduation, Merry has earned more than S$1,000,000 through her business. This achievement is featured as an article titled ‘She’s made her first million at just age 26’, in The Straits Times on 26th January 2007. In October 2010, Merry was conferred the Great Women of Our Time Award. As an icon in the regional, financial, and educational communities Merry has broken down barriers to become one of the most admired and watched individuals in the media today. visit www.MerryRiana.org to read more about Merry Riana
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6 Responses to My Life Purpose

  1. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Merry Little Notes: Learning Lessons from the game that I played 9 years ago

  2. Merry says:

    Hi Merry thanks for the article
    It really bless to read it

  3. Merry Riana says:

    Hi Merry,

    It’s so cool that you have the same name as me :) hahaha.. anyway, thank you for your positive comment :)

  4. anthony tjio w says:

    Very inspiring… thanks Merry.

  5. Eltin Chen says:

    Hi Merry,
    It was a blessing for me to have attended 2 of your many public appearances, 1st at AIC Nov10 & 2nd at AEC May11. Both events were organised by Fabian Lim & team. On both occasions, listening to you has stirred up the long buried desire in me to succeed. Fulfilling my duties as a mother & wife has cut into many corners of my life so much so that I felt I longer live for myself. Thank you for being so inspiring, I will take time now to reflect & to stand on my feet again. I wish you the very best in making your 30th birthday resolution a reality. God Bless!

  6. i need to decided it now… better late than never… :)

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